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Sculptures series, still in process,  produced from the copy of the artist’s arm based on Blanche’s posture in the painting Une Leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière, 1887 by André Brouillet, which reports a medicine class conducted by Dr. Charcot, father of psychiatry. In the scene of the painting, the patient and object of study Blanche appears passed out with her fist clenched, as if the moment of exhaustion after the hysterical outbreak was captured, which due to the involuntary tension, the extremities of the body remained stiff.

 Detalhe de Virada Movimento #4, Bronze  patinado e aço, 2021
98,5 x 14,5 x 18cm . Coleção particular.
 Detalhe de Une Leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière, 1887 de André Brouillet
Une Leçon clinique à la Salpêtrière, 1887 de André Brouillet
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 Virada Movimento #4, Bronze  patinado e aço, 2021,  98,5 x 14,5 x 18 cm. Coleção particular.
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 Detalhe de Virada Movimento #4, 2021, Bronze  patinado e aço. 98,5 x 14,5 x 18cm
 Detalhe de Virada Movimento #4, 2021, Bronze  patinado e aço. 98,5 x 14,5 x 18cm
  Virada Movimento #1, 2020, Bronze  patinado, ferro fundido e aço. 103 x 12 x 18cm
 Detalhe de Virada Movimento #1, 2020, Bronze  patinado ferro fundido e aço.
103 x 12 x 18cm
  Virada Movimento #1, 2020, Bronze  patinado, ferro fundido e aço. 103 x 12 x 18cm
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